Club of the year 2017!
We are incredibly proud to announce that Multiples Bay of Plenty received the award for Club of the Year at the annual Multiples NZ Gala Awards Dinner a few weeks ago.
We were up against some pretty stiff competition so to end up with this result was both exhilarating…and humbling. What an honour it is to be recognised alongside other clubs and charities all doing their best to support local communities.
As president, I cannot say enough about the determination, dedication, love and support that our various committee members have shown over the last few years and it has been such a privilege to work alongside them. What an inspiring bunch of women!
To those of you who have supported us, and continue to do so, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And to all the members of our community, please know that this award reflects your own support and constant contribution towards the charity. So thank-you and well done! We love being on this journey together
It really does take a village, doesn’t it, and we are so grateful that our village is here in the BOP xxx
Fundraiser – Bad Moms 2 (6th November)
Multiples Bay of Plenty invites you to a special screening of ‘Bad Moms 2’ to raise funds for our charity, which supports our community of parents, caregivers, siblings, twins, triplets and higher order multiples. We would love for you to join us at Rialto Cinema, Tauranga, Monday 6th November @ 7pm.
Please fill out the form below to reserve your ticket. Tickets are $20.00 per person.
Could you please fill out a form for each ticket ordered (payment can be made in one transaction).
Tickets are limited and sold on a first in first served basis, so please pay promptly to avoid disappointment. Once payment is cleared, your ticket/s will be emailed to you.
We are all looking forward to a fun night out – Thank you!
2017 Multiples NZ National Conference: 6-8 October
Registrations for full weekend delegation will close on the 29th September 5pm. Registrations for day sessions and the two evening events will close on 3rd October 5pm.
There is more to Conference than just the bringing together of professionals to educate, motivate and stimulate your passion towards multiple births. It’s also about comradery, networking, supporting, sharing the burden and strengthening your village.
In a society where the village has dwindled and day to day pressures include but are not limited to financial, psychological and stereotypes; it’s even more important to strip back your world that you have entered and realise that there are others like you, others who have been there done that and survived and some that are not surviving and actually may need YOUR support.
If there’s one thing I will always remember from my time as a mother to newborn twins, it’s the support other seemingly just as busy multiple mums gave me…. Why? Because, they said, someone did it for us now we get to be there for you. I have tried to emanate this on my journey to toddlerhood and whenever I can, I have reached out to other multiple mums and offered them a hand. It’s the little things that count.
Registering for conference and walking beside other multiples families means more to others than you might think. Suggesting to a friend to join you for the half day sessions on Under 5s, may be just what they need to recharge their batteries. Sponsoring a friend or family member to a night out on the Friday and a half day at conference on newborns could be just with the doctor ordered – better than any prescribed medication. Never underestimate the effect of what you may seem is a small gesture, grab a ticket today.
A weekend at Conference can also offer YOU the chance to refill your cup; starting with a Friday afternoon jaunt to Newmarket. When was the last time you got to wander the streets, take in a movie, browse the shops, sit and have a coffee child free? When you get back it’s Wellness Time. Your delegate ticket will offer you 3 hours of pampering. Eight organisations will be on hand to support you and our guest speaker Nikki Zanchi will remind you to put yourself first. The tapas meal and cash bar will allow you to spoil yourself without having to wipe up any mess – we will do that for you!. You will receive one free pamper session choosing from massage, skincare or make up, with the option to buy another session for $10. Natalie Jane from Be Organised will be present to discuss getting your life on track by removing clutter. She will offer suggestions on being organised to de-stress your everyday life (Event also sold separately – see our facebook event on how to register).
Saturday and Sunday mornings you can join us in the quad for free Yoga or take a 45 minute power walk around Cornwall Park. A chance to untangle your body and clear your mind for the day ahead.
After a full day of information overload, the gala evening on Saturday night is a chance to let your hair down. An evening of Glitz and Glam with partners welcome, a three course meal and cash bar – at the new home of The Americas Cup. Book the babysitter and find those sparkly jewels, we will celebrate tonight all that there is to remember about the wonderful world of multiples. PORSE Volunteer Awards will provide formal recognition to some hard working people throughout the clubs in New Zealand, and Multiples NZ will pay their respects to the committee members who give so much of their time and energy to support families. If there is ever a night where you need to be reminded just what a wonderful job you are doing, then this is it. (Event also sold separately – see our facebook event on how to register).
Having sat and listened to those that have attended conference in the past, the things they always reminisce about are the connections they have made and the ‘things’ they got up to The information is a necessity for growth but the memories are what last a lifetime.
Multiples New Zealand Volunteer Awards 2017
Did you know Multiples NZ and PORSE facilitate awards for volunteers supporting caregivers and families of multiples? Nominations for the various awards are due 1st September and details are available on the Multiples NZ website.
Are you aware that Porse and Multiples BOP have partnered to provide discounted childcare for your little ones? The discounts that you (as a premium member) could receive for each child are:
Children Under 2 Years – $1.50 off per funded hour
Children Over 2 Years – $1.00 off per funded hour
Wage and Admin Fee – No charge (normally $4.75 per week)
Contact PORSE for more details.
Changes to Multiples Bay of Plenty on Facebook
As well as our public page, we also have three closed groups:
- Mums and Bubs (pregnancy – 18 months) with Jo Carswell as Coordinator: - Tiny Tots (18 months – 4 years) with Emilia Vicchi as Coordinator:
- Kids Club (4 years +) with Danelle Bain as Coordinator:
Please note that you need to be a General or Premium member to join a group. Go to (free and paid memberships are available).