Hire equipment is available to all members.
Details of the equipment that is available for hire are listed below. We have tried to accurately display the items available, but please be aware that some items may not be available at the time you request them.
Please complete the hire form to request the items you would like. We will confirm via email that the items are available, provide payment details, and organise collection or drop-off of the equipment. You can request to go onto the waiting list for an item up to 6 months before you require an item, however the club cannot guarantee its availability. Payment is only required once the hire is confirmed.
If you have any questions, please email equipment@multiplesbop.org.nz
Twin Carriers

In the first few months, life with newborn twins can be a challenge. Simply just trying to hold two crying infants at once, the first days of twin mom and dad life are at times, utterly overwhelming.
With the Weego TWIN Baby Carrier, you can carry and soothe both twins simultaneously. The movement they were accustomed to in the womb is familiar, and the warmth and voice of mom or dad is just what tiny new twin babies crave. You can finally have your hands free again!
Suitable for premature babies from 1.8kg up until ~5-6 months (maximum combined weight of 15kg)
Hire fee: $20
Refundable bond: $30
The Minimonkey TWIN equals the ergonomic carrying way of a traditional wrap, wins on comfort, user friendliness and safety!
This carrier can be used as of newborn (± 3kg ~ 6.5 lbs) to 12kg (~26.5 lbs) each baby.
Babies are carried in this baby carrier in an upright position on your belly, with the bottom low and thighs higher and spread wide; also referred to as the M-Position or Frog Position. Experts recommend this ergonomic position for carrying babies because it can have a positive effect on the development of their hips.
Hire fee: $20
Refundable bond: $30

Phil & Teds Parade Carriers
Ever wanted to take a hike with your twins as they get older, but they’re a bit too heavy for a standard carrier now? We’ve got you covered!
Cute & compact, the parade™ carrier is designed to make parenting life a breeze when stepping out and about into the urban world!
Its super compact flat fold makes it ideal for travel or storage, and the cute lil detachable mini backpack is sure to become a favourite for your independent minime who wants their own backpack! parade™ is easy & intuitive to use, perfectly suited for parents who want a quick get away with no fuss!
Two available for hire, suitable for children that can sit up unaided, until a maximum weight of 18.5kg. Note due to popularity of this item, it only has a 2 week hire term.
Hire fee: $10
Refundable Bond: $30
Double Strollers
Umbrella Stroller
The evenflo umbrella stroller offers a compact fold and narrow design
to make it easy to get around with your twins. Even better, it fits through most doorways with ease!
The seats are independently reclining seats, so one can nap while the other is curious. Suitable for babies who can independently sit, up until you can no longer contain them in a stroller, with a maximum weight of 20kg each seat.
Hire fee: $20
Refundable bond: $30

Unimom Breastpump

The Forte model has a durable, hospital-grade motor, designed for exclusive, long-term expressing. Commonly used in hospitals, yet compact enough for in home use, this double breast pump has a unique extensive suction range with a hygienic back-flow protection system. The rhythmic suction allows for an efficient let down and maximum milk supply and provides you with all you need for easy, comfortable, expressing.
Hire Fee: $10
Refundable deposit: $50
Feeding Pillows
Twin Z Pillow
The feeding pillow that is made for twins & makes life easier for mum and babies!
Can be used for breast or bottle feeding your twins, and offers back support when used for breast feeding.
Hire fee: $0
Refundable deposit: $30

Breastfeeding Pillows
These are great to help you position your babies in the early days of breastfeeding. Particularly if you’re trying to tandem feed as well!
Different people prefer different pillows, and we’ve got a range available, including the Baby Rest Baby First pillow (pictured)
Hire fee: $0
Refundable deposit: $30
Sleeping Options
Heading away on holiday and need to take a cot with you? Portacots are perfect for these occasions, we’ve got several available for hire.
Hire fee: $10
Refundable deposit: $30

Pepi Pod
If you’re after a safe space for your babies to sleep, we’ve got two Pēpi-Pods available. Pepi Pods provide a protected place for babies to sleep when they are in, or on, an adult bed, on a couch, in a makeshift setting, or away from home.
Hire fee: $0
Refundable deposit: $30
Baby Bouncer

Perfect for keeping small babies entertained, rock them with your feet while multi-tasking, or simply use them to prop your twins up to take in the world
Hire fee: $10
Prem Clothes
Babies grow so quickly, if your twins arrive a little early and you need some smaller clothes, we’ve got a box of small Prem size clothes available for hire
Hire fee: $10

Pocket support, where to find plenty of information about breastfeeding or neonatal environment.

To find breastfeeding help, information and support.

For parents with a baby admitted to or going to be admitted to a neonatal unit, NICU or special care unit. Produced by the MidCentral DHB.
Useful Contacts
Here is a list of external organisations that might be handy...Name | Website | Phone |
Bellyful | www.bellyful.org.nz | 0508 BELLYFUL (0508 2355938) |
Birthright Support for one-parent families | www.birthright.org.nz | 0800 457 146 |
Cot Death (SIDS NZ) Parent to Parent | www.sidsandkids.org.nz | 0800 164 455 |
Find your midwife | www.findyourmidwife.co.nz | |
Gastric Reflux Support Network NZ | www.cryingoverspiltmilk.co.nz | 0800 380 517 |
Healthline | 0800 611 116 | |
Multiples NZ | www.multiples.org.nz | |
National Poison Centre | www.poisons.co.nz | 0800 POISON (0800 764 766) |
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression | https://pada.nz/ | |
Plunket Helpline | 0800 933 922 | |
Sands New Zealand | www.sands.org.nz | |
Work and Income | www.workandincome.govt.nz | 0800 559 009 |